Anticipation Guide

The anticipation guide at the beginning of our Walk Two Moons unit included the following statements:
  • It is okay to invent stories to explain things you do not understand.
  • It is okay to stop being friends with someone if they are annoying or if they get mad at you.
  • Grandparents are too old to REALLY understand their grandchildren.
  • Adults should never leave their families under any circumstances.
  • Denying or ignoring a problem can help you forget about it.
  • Bad things never happen to happy or good people.
  • It is important to appreciate and respect every member of your family all of the time.
  • It is okay to judge someone if you have good evidence that they did something wrong.
  • It is easier to talk about someone else's problems than your own.
  • Sometimes it is okay to bend the rules if you have a good reason.
Look over how you answered these in the beginning.  Then, respond to ONE of the following questions-
  • Which statement had the biggest change in Before and After for you?  Explain what made you change your mind.
  • Which statement do you feel was most addressed in the text?  Explain what from the text supported the statement.
  • Which statement did you feel the same about before and after reading?  Why did you think that way before reading, and what from the story supported your thoughts?
In your comment be sure to include the statement to which you are referring.  Where it says "Comment As," scroll down to "Name/URL."  Instead of name, type in your first and last initials, and your block number.  Leave "URL" blank.  Then hit "Publish."  I must approve comments before they appear.


  1. The one that made me change my answer the most was ''sometimes it is okay to bend the rules if you have a good reason'' at first i said somewhat disagree but now i changed it to somewhat agree because if you have something important to do and you have to break the rules then do it and don't let others get in the way of that.

    1. Girl, I second that! Lets say someone had to do something very, very important but they had to break the rules to do it. Rules are here for a reason but break 'em if you have to!! <3 <3

  2. I thought that if you had a good reason to judge some one it was okay but see what went with Mrs.Cadaver I changed my mind.

    1. I agree with you because if you dont know them as much you could not judge what they did even though if it was not true. You cant always assume what happened in their life if they never told you.

    2. I agree with you because i do that all the time

    3. I totally agree. Personally, its never ok to judge someone if you dont really know them that well. Judging is like hating but you do it behind the other persons back. <3 <3

    4. I totally agree with you it was a sad moment how Mr. Cadaver died and Phoebe stilled judged her.

    5. I agree because Phoebe had a good reason to say that Margret was an axe murderer but she didn't have evidence. She made assumptions but didn't have proof.

    6. To be honest I really agree because Mrs.Cadaver was nothing like what Phoebe said

  3. I felt the same about the statement "It is easier to talk about someone else's problems than your own." before and after reading. I agreed before reading because i can easily go home and tell my mom about a problem that my friend had at school but i cant just come out and say my problem. I still agree because Sal could easily tell Gram and Gramps about Phoebe's story and the problems she had but she wouldnt just tell them about her problems and how she was feeling about her mom.

    1. I like the you compared the statement to your own life and I like the way you gave the example of Sal and Phoebes story!!!

  4. The statement that the biggest change to me was " It is easier to talk about someone else's problems than your own". I think this because I changed from a 1 to a 4. I changed to this because in Walk Two Moons Sal had alot of things to talk about but she didn't tell anybody but it was easier for her to talk to Phoebe about her problem and fix it but it was harder to solve her own problems and tell people about them.

    1. i agree because i had the same thought and i also could connect to it because i can talk about my friends problems but i cant talk about my own to other people.

  5. The statement that had the biggest change was "It it easier to talk about someone else's problems than your own." It had the biggest change because if you have a oersonal problem,you want to change the subject with somebody else's because you are embarassed to talk about it.

    1. I think this was really shown with Phoebe. Sal was able to talk to Gram and Gramps about Phoebe's problem, but not her own.

  6. the statement i felt same about before was it is ok to stop being friends with somone if they are annoying or if they get mad at you. becuase in the story when sal and phoebe was talking she said she would throw her cholestral free body out the window!!!!!!!

  7. The statement 'adults should never leave their families under any circumstances' change in the before and after column because they should just sit down with their families and ask them to stop or get better at what they are doing so the person could feel better about theirselves and not want to leave. Before answer: 4 strongly agree, After answer: 2 somewhat disagree

    1. I agree because when sugar left, she left because she needed to clear her head; I kind of dissagree because when she left, something bad happened.

    2. i agree because most time family have a reason to leave:job,trip, protection are reasons for them to leave

    3. I somewhat dissagree but agree. I know that parents need to leave for sertain reason but they do need to return to see there children and talk to them . If the don't like sal she was heart broken bacause her bmom didn't return. so if parents aren't going to come back they should tell there children

  8. In the beginning I chose 4 for it is okay to stop being friends with someone if they are annoying or if they get mad at you because phoebe was being annoying,and nagging sal about being the perfect hostes. Had it been me I would have put my finger to my lips and went "shhhhhhhhhhh'

    1. I disagree with you becuase i don't think you should just stop being friends with some one if they are mean to you one time. now it is a differnt story if they a mean to you countless times. But if it was just one time then maybe you should tell them that "hey you hurt me ." or say" that wasn't very nice to say".

  9. my big change is the 4th question. it said adults should never leave there family under any circumstances. Before I put a 2. But then I for after I put 4. I put a 4 becuase i belive that once you marry you are sighning a contract saying that you want to be with them for the rest of your life. and i don't think a mother or a father should leave their families behind. even if you need to go and find yourself. no matter what a family needs to be with eachother. and if you feel a certain way a family member or the whole family can help you. you should never leave or have to deal with something alone. that is what family is for!

    1. I Disagree because the family member might have to leave for a very important reason. Sals mom was going to come back but she got in an acident.

  10. I said circled 4 for "it is important to appreciate and respect every member of your family all of the time" because people come and go. Mothers leave and fathers leave and sometimes they dont come back to you. Everyone wants to be loved and feel love, then they wont leave you. The novel supports my chioce even more because Sal's mother left her and didnt come back. Maybe she left to clear her head or she was shaken up after the misscarriage but it hurt Sal when she left. Sal thinks its her fault for alot of things. Family is a gift so dont leave and make someone feel gulity. <3 <3

    1. Nice anwer.I agree with your anwer becuse I think that you should cherish every moment that you have with your family. Becuase who knows it may be that last time you see them. Like sal's mom. Sal cherished her moment with her mother before she left. An it is important that we all do the same. So good answer!!!!!!!!

    2. MM1 you are so right!!!!!

  11. •Which statement did you feel the same about before and after reading? Why did you think that way before reading, and what from the story supported your thoughts?

    I felt that adults should never leave their families under any circumstances, I thought of this before because of my own personal experiences, and after because I read how hard it was for the main charcters after their mothers left.

    1. It was really hard for them after their mothers left! I understand why they left, though, so maybe there are some appropriate times.

  12. I disagreed with the statment that said "Grandparents are to old to REALLY understand their grandchildren." I disagree because I know a lot of grandparents like to talk with their grandchildren.Grandparents like to bond with their grandparents to see how they are doing to check on them. In the story a character (Salamanca) shares with her stories about her journies, Pheobe Winterbottom, her mother (Chanhassen) , and her life experiences. Her grandparents loved her stories and understood them. They always wanted to hear more. I loved the book Walk Two Moons though. I just disagree with that statement. :) :)

    1. I disagree to. Grandparent are great listeners and they give you money when you ask for it. <3 <3

    2. i agree with you and good job

    3. I disagree because I think that grandparents understand you.

  13. It is okay to judge someone if you have good evidence that they did somthing wrong was in the story alot. Phoebe and Sal where judging Mrs.Cadaver and Mr.Birkway when they were planting the bush. But they only had two pieces of evidence.That Mrs.Cadavers name means dead body and there was no Mr Cadaver.They also judged Mrs partridge before the had enough evidence.Phoebe and sal shouldn't of judged them because they didn't have alot of evidence that they did those things and they tured out not to be true

    1. It sounds like you agree, but that you don't think that those characters had good evidence. I think that is a very interesting idea!

  14. I think the statement that most adressed the story was " It is okay to invent stories to explain things that you cannot explain" I think this because when Phoebes mother first dissapeared and all her classmates were asking about her, Phoebe just made up a story that her mother went on a trip to England for awhile although we all know thats not true :)

  15. The statement that I thought was thesame at the beginning and the end was "it is okay to judge someone even if you have good evidence that they did something wrong." For the beginning i said this was a 1 and at the end i thought it was a 1 also. The 1 ment that you strrongly disagree, and i stronglt disagreed because in the story Walk Two Moons Phoebe thought there was a potential lunatic, so she started to collect strands of hair and any other evidence in her home in order to show the police. After showing the police all of these things she had found, she had found out that her mother just left to find he son. This was not okay for Phoebe to judge the potential lunatic becaus he was not a lunatic and was really he brother after all.

    1. I agree on it and it is a good piece of work great job by useing the book


  16. I thought still think that it isn't easier to talk about someone else's problem that yours because you don't know exactly how they are feeling. When Phoebe's mom left she was going to the police station to see if they know where she is. The officers thought that she was crazy but they dont know how she is feeling.

    1. Good Comment I agree with that statement

    2. good job on your respons and i agree

  17. I agree with it is easier to talk about someone elsesproblems because when i have a problem it is easier to talk to someone.

    1. I agree with your statement. t is sometimes easier to talk to someone about problems you have

  18. I thought the book was great! I thought it was a great to see that Sal thought what happened to her mother happened to Phoebe's mother. It was amazing to see that Sal was concerd about what happened to her mother would happen to Phoebe'smother.

  19. The 7th statement"its importantto appreciate and respect every member of your family all of the time because if your family dosnt get along how are you going to have time to help them and care,plus they wouldnt help you if none in the family got along.

  20. i felt the same way about grandparents are too old to really understand their grandchildren which i gave a 1 because before the story i related it to my life and my grandparents know things evenn when i don't tell them. also because sal's gramps knew sal wanted to see her mom even though sal didn't tell him so i strongly disagree with this statement because grandparents are up too date on our lifes in all we do!!!

  21. I loved this book. I loved the suspense but some people spoiled the story without asking. But i still liked to see what really happened for myself and. This reminded me of so many sad moments in my life and almost made me cry.

    1. I agree some people do spiol it especially when you are in the last class of the day

    2. I agree. But the ending is still nice no matter what.

  22. I think that what changed my answers for the before and after was the whole lunatic situation. It made me think differently about judging people and stepping in their shoes

    1. Yes. You cant judge a man until you've walk two moons in their moccasins

    2. I think you are very right

    3. Mike isn't a lunatic phoebe acting so immature # crazy phoebe

    4. i agree soo much :D also Jr4 phoebe is acting immature XD

    5. I agree with you guys. Only this statment may be different for other people because everyone judges differently. Some people may think that someone is crazy, but others might think that they are just fun and adventurous.

    6. I agree good sir. It is not coll tojudge people who shoes or life you've never experienced.

  23. The bigest change I had was it's okay the invent stories to explian things you can not explain because during the story Phoebe created the story about the lunatic to explian why her mom disapeared. This is why it changed a lot.

    1. Making stories is okay as long as its true and its not a bad story

    2. The bigest change I had was it's okay the invent stories to explain things you can not explian. At first I had a 2 because you can usally can find out what happened. During the story Phoebe created the about the lunatic to explain why her mom disapeared this is why my rate changed to a 4. This is why it changed a lot.

  24. The statement that had the biggest change is "adults should never leave under any circumstances." Family is more important than anything in the world. if you get caught up, you can always turn your back to them. Nothing feels worse than someone leaving when you thought they would stay forever. Blood is thicker than water.

    1. that is such strong advice lol

    2. I would never turn back on my family.That is your only family that u get.So why treat them like dirt am i right TL3 and AW3?

    3. I can see where you're coming from. Family is important but in some cases you might have to make acceptions. Like if you tried to put yourself in their shoes you might think about leaving your family so to keep them from getting hurt, if that makes any sense

  25. I feel like the statement "it is easier to talk about someone else's problems than your own," was addressed the most throughout the story because Sal was able to tell gram and gramps about what happened to phoebe and her family, but she couldn't tell them about how she felt about her mother and father.

    1. I forgot about this part! That detail is a good example of when Phoebe made up a story. She also made up the whole lunatic story to explain something she didn't understand (why her mom would leave her.)

  26. I feel that i felt the same about the statement it is easier to talk about someone else's problem them your own because sometimes you might be embarrassed about your own problems so you just want to listen to another person's problem. i felt like this before the book and after the book.

    1. you are very right espesially when your story is emmbarasing.

  27. i liked the statement denying or ignoring the problem can help you forget about it.i still feel the same about this answear.ignoring a problem isnt going to solve anything its just going to haunt the story sal denied that her mom was dead and it didnt really solve anything.

  28. I said I sowhat agree for the statement"Grandparents are too old to REALLY understand thier grandchild" at the beinging of the stary because I thought that grandparents did not know anything about kids/childrens theese day and since it seemed like they live in the past instead of the future. Now that I have read this book it seems to me that they they are not too old to understand children. I noticed this because how Sal's grandparents are wild/unpredictable they really now what Sal is thinking and what she is going to do-they do not seem like the typical grandparents.

    1. I agree her grandparents are wild and it showed me that not all grandparents a boring, they could be wild [sometimes]

  29. The statement i agree the same about is the one that says "adults should never leave their families under any circumstances" I thought this before reading because you shgouldnt leave your family no matter what. I still think this because you still should never leave your famiy...ever.

    1. Adults should never leave. yu are so good at commmenting

  30. The statement I felt stayed the same for me was the one that said “It is important to appreciate and respect every member of your family all of the time.” Because like Mrs. Winterbottom a member of your family could disappear at any moment in your life.

    1. so true i love how you explaind it

    2. True, also like Sugar she loved Sal and Mr. Hiddle but she left anyway to find herself.

    3. I like how you think

  31. One statement I agree on before and after would be “parents should never leave their families under any circumstances” because if a parent leaves their family their son or daughter could start to get depressed or sad. Something that supports this from the story is like when Sugar left her family and then after she left Sal was all sad.

  32. The statement I feel was most addressed in the text was It is important to appreciate and respect every member of your family all of the time. I agree with this statement because in walk two moons Sal’s mom left out of nowhere so you should treat and respect every member of your family because you never know when they’ll leave or something will happen to them so treat them the best you can and respect them the best you can because you’ll never know the last time you’ll see them. !_!

    1. this is a very good statment with text suport $$

    2. i agree with your comment because i to agree that all family members should feel appreciated for confidence. maybe one day they don't feel appreciated then they might leave like phoebe's mom she left because she felt not respected.

    3. I agree because I understand what you're saying and it's great

    4. RE4 you are so right I don't usually treat my family with the respect they deserve ,but I am now

  33. The statement that had the biggest change in before and after was “it is okay to stop being friends with someone if they are annoying or if they get mad at you.” I said this because in the story phoebe was being stubborn and yelling and getting mad at Sal, but Sal still put up with her and continued to be her friend.

    1. Yea, just like Ben, he was being annoying to Phoebe and Sal but Sal still talked to him and toterated him.

  34. The statement I choose was it is to appreciate and respect every member of your family all of the time. If you do your family will respect you back . Phoebe should have respect her mother when she brought Mike

    1. I like that idea! Maybe if her family respected her, Mrs. Winterbottom wouldn't have felt the need to keep her son a secret.

  35. I think that the same one main statement is “grandparents are really too old to understand what their grandkids are saying to you.” I thought this in the beginning because when I talk to my grandparents they understand me. They might need me to explain it to them but that’s ok. In the story gram and gramps are listening to this very exiting story in their eyes. It was told by the their grandkid so I think this is a good thing to compare it to.

    1. I totally agree wiyh your statment DJ

    2. Honestly my grandparents don't understand ANYTHING

    3. My grandparents understand me because they were children once too.

    4. I think that was a good statement LS4

    5. I agree with you, I know we have to explain but it's worth it.

    6. i agree because my gandparents urderstad me to :D

  36. Denying or ignoring a problem can help you forget about it, that statement had the biggest change from before and after. At first I somewhat agreed, but now I strongly disagree. I think that, because when Mrs. Winterbottom gave up Mike just so her husband wouldn’t find out that she had a child with another man. Sooner or later Mike and Mrs. Winterbottom found each other.

    1. I agree with your statement. I liked how you said it.

    2. Y didn't you dissagree the first time? LS4

    3. Y didn't u agree the first time

    4. I disagreed at first because I did that befor

  37. I thought the same about the statement adults should never leave their families under any circumstances before and after reading because no matter what happened you need to suck it up and go on with life. This connects with WALK TWO MOONS because Chanhassen thought that she wasn’t a good enough to be a part of the family so she left.

  38. The statement I feel the same before and after reading was that grandparents are too old to understand their grandchildren. I strongly disagreed with that statement because if your were born and raised in a different generation doesn’t mean that you aren’t able to understand the next few generations to come.

    1. OMG! I so agree. Sure, grandparents my have been raised in another generation like in walk two moons, Sal's grandparents are wild and weird but they understand her. Sal told her grandparents her whole story with Phoebe even the kissy and award parts!! <3 <3

  39. The thing I changed was its Okay to invent stories to explain things you cannot expain.I put 4 instead of 3 because I realized that in the story Phoebe couldn’t explain why because she was ashamed. Also she truly didn’t know what really happened personally love this book <3 :D

  40. The statement that had the biggest change in before and after reading was “Adults should never leave their families under any circumstances.” Before I read the book I put 1, because I thought it would be ok if your family had to do certain things because you’re not there. After reading the book I put 4 because you shouldn’t have to do things just because someone walked out. This connects to the book because Phoebe’s mom left and she left them to do certain things just because she went off to meet up with her other child.

  41. I agree with the quote it is important to appreciate and respect every member of your family before and after reading walk two moons. Everyone in your family deserves respect because it is a good way to keep a good relationship with them. If you respect your family you will reserve respect back. If you ever need help and you have a good relationship with your family they are more likely to help you out.

  42. The thing that I changed is that you should never your families under any circumstances to a 1 fom a 2 because just because you have a problem doesn’t mean you should just leave. You should over come the opstical that you are facing.

    1. nothing hurts more than someone leaving you:(

  43. The statement that had the biggest change for my anticipation was it is important to judge someone if you have good evidence that they did something wrong. On the before column I put the choose number 1. On the after column I put 4. Before I thought that is was wrong to judge someone in the first place. But, when I read the book Walk Two Moons I found out once you know all the information from them you can judge them and prove you did someone wrong.

    1. i like the way you think about things.

  44. The statement I now agree with more than in the begining of the year is that "Sometimes it is ok to bend the rules if you have a good reason", i used to have somewhat agree but now I have strongly agree becuase Sal proved that sometimes you need to bend the rules when she took Gramp's car to go to the bus where her mother died. I love this book and im so glad that we have read this book in reading. THIS BOOK IS GREAT XD

    1. I agree.I would do the same if i had a good reason :D

    2. You are right ,but if there was a good reason to bend the rules and kill someone would you? Breaking the rules is not good

    3. I see where you are coming from, but I don't think you should bend the rules to go find your mom.

    4. CC4 i totally agree ,but if my mom left i woulld search the ends of the earths to find her ;)

  45. What statement made the biggest change is “it is easier to talk about someone else’s problem than your own”. When Sal was in the car talking about what happened to phoebes mom and her story, at the end of the story Sal said that when she was talking about phoebe she realized why her mom left and it helped her see what happened to her mom in a new point of view.

    1. I agree with CD4 because it was easier for Sal to talk about PHoebes problems to her grandparents instead of her own problems.

    2. i agree because if you're talking about your own problem than it might make you even more sad but if you talk about somebody elses problem you might not have that much of a problem explainning about somebody elsese loss or problem.

  46. The statement it is okay to invent stories to explain things you cannot explain had the biggest change before and after. At first I put a 2 because you could make a story to help you understand something. Then I choose a 1 because how can u make a story for something you can’t explain when your explaining it in a story.

    1. I disagree with you because making up stories shows that you have a good imagination for something that you don't understand or have even seen.Stories you can't explain makes a good thriller/mystery.

    2. I agree because when i don't understan something I make up a story to help me or just ask for help.

    3. Why else would Phoebe make up stories without a full reason?

    4. i disagree because why make up a reason to solve your problems it won't help you it will just hurt somebody else.
      JUST LIKE IN WALK TWO MOONS when phoebe hurt the 'lunatic" mike which was not true

    5. AM1- That is a very good idea! So are you saying that Phoebe made up stories to explain what was happening in her life?

    6. The stroy Sal told her grandparents was very suspensful and weird. I liked how she told the story word from word instead of like skipping 1 week even though that week could've been the moment when Ben and Sal kissed

    7. i agree you have a nice answer KM4

    8. I Agree with AM1 because your asking if she made up stories to explain what was happening in her life

  47. It's sad that gram died. Coping with loss is something you should talk to a shrink about especially if you are still very sad

  48. i agree but people have a different way of coping with lost like sal's dad and gramps

  49. Don't judge people before you get to know them

    1. To Be Honest you are correct because you can't just look at someone and judge them

  50. If you are sad then draw closer to your family dont draw away
