For Teachers

Below is a copy of the sheet my class used for the Walk Two Moons webquest. Feel free to use and adjust it as you would like. Please post any feedback in the comments section- let me know if a site is no longer working, if your class struggled with any of the questions, or if you came up with questions that you thought were better. I would also love any feedback about additional sites to add for more background information for students!

Name__________________ Date  ___________      Block__________
Walk Two Moons Webquest
Visit the website and fill in this sheet as you explore the different pages.  These do not need to be done in a specific order.

About the Author- Sharon Creech
Under the “Books” page, there is information about some of Sharon Creech’s books.  Which one, other than Walk Two Moons, seems most interesting to you?  What about it appeals to you?
Under the “Meet the Author” page, there is a biography about Sharon Creech.  Read through that biography and answer the following questions:
What was Sharon Creech’s inspiration for Walk Two Moons?
What led Sharon Creech to becoming an author?  What were some other things she was interested in before she began writing?

Walk Two Moons- Chapter One
How does Sal seem to feel about her new situation?  What from the first chapter makes you think that?

National Parks
Visit each of the sites  about the different National Parks.  Fill out the chart.
When it was founded
One interesting fact
Mount Rushmore
Which one of the parks would you most want to visit?  Why?

Seneca Nation of Indians
What were the eight clans of the Seneca?
Tell me about one of the important historic Seneca leaders, and what made them important.


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